
2022 Libertarian Convention


The true Libertarian Party of Delaware did not send delegates to the Libertarian convention in Nevada last weekend.  While we do not acknowledge the validity of the constructive disaffiliation carried out by the Judicial Committee early this year, we do admit that between the actions of the Credentials Committee chaired by our former regional representative, Susan Hogarth, who has been carrying water for the Mises Caucus since the beginning of our dispute, and the projected composition of the other convention delegates, we knew there was no hope that we would be able to prevent the takeover of the National Libertarian Party with only four votes that were unlikely to be seated anyway.

This should in no way be interpreted as approval of what was done to the Libertarian Party last weekend.  The new direction of the LNC and the platform are not reflective of libertarian values.  Bigotry is irrational and repugnant.  The bigotry displayed and tolerated by the newly elected members of the LNC and the JC are an embarrassment.  We also continue to believe that no government should interfere with the reproductive choices made by women in consultation with their doctors and families.  Immigrants who have committed no acts of aggression against others should be welcomed.  Transgendered individuals should be comfortable in schools they are required by law to fund and attend.  Libertarian views on taxes, war, and regulation are incomplete without policy and cultural preferences for tolerance in opposition to historical tendencies of discrimination and oppression.

Political movements come in waves and we retain hope that the invasion of the Libertarian Party will recede in time to repair our relationship with the national organization, but we will be glad to be separated from a National Libertarian Party that does not return in short order to the principles it has stood for since its founding.  We will continue to stand for those principles and collaborate with any others who share them.