
Statement from the Chair


Yesterday the Delaware State Board of Elections determined that the Mises Caucus faction that secured a minority of State Board seats at the 2021 convention and were expelled in October are entitled to ballot access and that we are not.  Our candidates have been removed from the ballot.

During that meeting, I conceded that without ballot access, I had no interest in being attached to what the MC will do to the "Libertarian" brand and would not hold onto a "Libertarian" party organization in Delaware parallel to a ballot-qualified Mises controlled "Libertarian" party.

What several people seem to have concluded from that is that the actions taken by the State Board in October and since have now been proven illegitimate and that the Mises Caucus controls the organization that held its convention in Felton last year and that I'm conceding all of that.

I understand that the MC thinks I have that kind of power, but they're idiots and I do not. Neither does the State Board of Elections in the context of the meeting that occurred yesterday.

Absent any further developments, the State Board of the LPD that expelled the MC from its membership still controls that LPD organization, though I concede that organization is no longer worth much without its ballot access or national party affiliation, and that it is tethered to a toxic brand.

Nevertheless it is the State Board and its acknowledged county affiliates that will determine the course of this organization. Not the State Board of Elections, nor the National Libertarian Party.

This is to say that until these outstanding issues are resolved, we are continuing as normal, with the caveat that our nominated candidates are no longer ballot qualified. If you want your voice heard in the direction that is taken from here, please continue to attend our county affiliate meetings, follow our social media feeds, and join us on our Discord server. We will be transitioning to something new to continue advocating for the principles that we believe in and you'll learn what that is and how you can help in the same places you have over the last 12+ years.

Will McVay,

State Chair,

Libertarian Party of Delaware*

*Not the one nominating candidates. We're not vouching for them anymore.