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LPD Q3 September 2019 Meeting Minutes

Libertarian Party of Delaware (LPD) 3rd Quarterly Meeting
Attendance: Sean, Brad, Dayl, Mary Pat, Nadine (by phone), John, Will, Jesse, Marjorie Ramsey (guest)
Absent: Vern
1.       Approval of agenda: Meeting called to order at 17:19. Will 1st, Mary Pat 2nd to adopt the agenda. Passed 8-0-0.
2.       Reading and approval of minutes from previous meeting: Will 1st, Mary Pat 2nd to not read the previous minutes, as Dayl sent them out promptly, and to approve them. Passed 8-0-0.
3.       Treasurer’s Report: Given (See below); we have two recurring PayPal donators!
a.       Paypal: $1933.87
b.       Bank:    $2508.18
c.       Total:    $4442.05
4.       NCC Report: July 20th social, Blue Rocks game, Arden Fair, Newark Community Day tomorrow.
5.       Kent Report: Attendance is up, meeting was too long due to Dayl adding to the agenda. However, it was a great meeting for discussion.
6.       Sussex Report: Attendance has been so-so, but attendance at the Adopt-a-Hwy has doubled from 2 to 4 people! Apple Scrapple coming up on Oct. 12th. Last Adopt-a-Hwy clean-up on Nov. 2nd. Dayl asked if there was anything we could bring, which Jimmy said was up to our discretion. Mary Pat will give the LPD banner back to Jimmy today. Candidates welcome to come and get an early start!
7.       SMM Committee Report: Dayl added to the group on June 27th of this year. Last activity on May 31st, 2018. We will encourage people to get on it.
8.       Old Business:
a.       Voter Outreach: March 1767/1725 (NC)
                                                               i.      NCCo: 1039/1034 (-5)
                                                             ii.      KCCo: 310/319 (9)
                                                           iii.      SusCo: 376/372 (-4)
b.       Beer Settlement: Sean to pay for the beer this coming Monday at the KCLP monthly meeting.
c.       Data and Tech Committee/MailChimp Follow-up:
                                                               i.      Dayl set up a MailChimp account, but has had trouble implementing it. Will work on getting it up and running, along with updating the LPD website, after this meeting.
d.       Municipal Elections: All Sussex. If anyone wants to run, please let Sean know.
                                                               i.      Dagsboro
                                                             ii.      Delmar
                                                           iii.      Ellendale
                                                           iv.      Greenwood
                                                             v.      General Election Recruitment Status: All districts listed are primary because they only had one major party candidate running
1.       RD 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 13, 15, 17, 18, 23, 27, 35, 37, 39, 40
2.       SD (2016) 9, 12, 13, 15, 19
e.       Outreach Follow-up: NCC doing a lot, SC doing well with Adopt-a-Hwy and Apple Scrapple, KC increasing in numbers. Outreach ideas like the free LPD bags with our emblem on it, the South Carolina LP dad bodies calendar, and, in jest, free plastic straws and free AR-15s for distribution. Around this time we lost Nadine via telephone when her reception cut out.
f.        PPG Follow-up: Sean said we need to focus on this during this next quarter. Sean to work with Vern on getting the PPG up and running. Mary Pat will also continue to work on the Campaign Finance Reporting System (CFRS) so candidates avoid trouble and have it ready for inclusion in the PPG as a demo.
9.       New Business:
a.       At the last KCLP monthly meeting, Tim Spong asked if volunteers are being taught that there are only Ds, Rs, and unaffiliated, not actual party names like Libertarians, Greens, IPOD, Blue Enigma, etc. We need a FOIA report and people to go undercover, preferably non-Libertarians who are friendly to us, to become voting booth volunteers. Dayl's wife, John's girlfriend, etc.
b.       Some of the banners the LPD are using, including the NCCLP banner, has old contact info that need to be updated. Discussion had on how to make the NCCLP banner more stable when putting it up. Nadine called back in at 17:55.
c.       Caryn Ann Harlos, LP Secretary, asked the LPD to update our info on LPedia. Will, Dayl, and John to look at it after this meeting.
d.       Dayl brought up the 2020 LPD convention because LP presidential nominees have started to contact us on when we will have our own convention. The sooner we can do it, the better for us, LP residential nominees, and our own LPD candidates. We're thinking early March. Mary Pat will contact the folks at the Kent County Theater Guild to set aside a date. We can vote on a date through our Facebook discussion group, hopefully before our next meeting (Q4). Discussion had on people who want to run for us that aren't LPD members, as there are laws that constrain us. National primaries are in April.
e.       Next meeting (Q4) discussed. Next meeting will be Nov. 23rd at 17:00, which is a Saturday. Sean asked that we hold off on deciding the 2020 Q1 meeting, but to discuss the date before the next meeting (Q4 2019) so we can have it ready to discuss. We also want to find a speaker, like an LNC officer, early too. We can get press as well by having LP presidential nominees at our next convention. Dayl brought up using Skype, or something similar, for candidates like John McAfee and others who can't/won't travel. We have precedent with this, as we had Gary Johnson call-in in 2012.
10.   Adjournment: Adjournment motion made by Mary Pat, 2nd by Will and John. Passed 8-0-0. Meeting adjourned at 18:21.