Welcome to the Libertarian Party of Delaware home page, representing the Libertarian Party in Delaware.

Please follow the links to the right for additional information or scroll down for news and updates. If you want to get more involved, in particular please check out our onboarding page.

More Information

We are very active on social media. Please make sure you're following our Twitter and Facebook feeds for announcements, info, and content to share with your network. Also please join our Discord Server to begin connecting immediately with other local Libertarians. You can also find contact information for your local county affiliate officers and representatives on our Staff and Meetings page or get more information about your county affiliate on their respective web pages:

News & Updates

LPD Alive and Well During the Pandemic!

Dear Fellow Libertarians and Visitors,
     Greetings! Libertarian Party of Delaware (LPD) Secretary Dayl Thomas here. Just wanted to let you all know that the LPD is alive and well during this pandemic. We have been very busy with a host of items:

- Our national LP convention was held across two sittings: 
     1) The first during Memorial Day weekend where the delegates to the national convention, including four from Delaware, selected Dr. Jo Jorgensen and Mr. Spike Cohen as our Presidential and Vice Presidential nominees respectively. The first sitting was completed totally online!
    2) The second sitting was a hybrid convention, meeting both in person and online. Those who met in person did so in Orlando, FL from July 9th to 12th. All four of the Delaware delegates attended in person. We helped select a new Libertarian National Committee and the LP Judicial Committee. We also got some new bylaws passed and one vote was made to keep plank 1.5 of the LP Platform the same and unchanged.

- We have eight people running for various state and local offices. Another post will be made soon on who they are and what offices they are running for.

- Speaking of candidates, there is a flurry of activity for the Delaware for Jorgensen/Cohen campaign! If you are interested in helping, please contact me at ncclp1776@gmail.com or visit us on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/DelawareForJorgensen

     That's just a small list of things we have been up to. More information to follow. As always, we thank you for your support!

Very Respectfully,
Dayl Thomas
LPD Secretary
NCCLP Secretary